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Black Ops 2 Zombies Glitches Ps3 Green Run Survival

Black Ops 2 Zombies Survival - Advanced Tips for Town & Die Rise

Posted in black ops 2

The new Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC comes with a new zombie map and we're in for a treat with Die Rise. To help you prepare for more zombies survival we're walking through some advanced tips on the Town map to help you get to those high levels (40+).

Note: These tips are for the survival mode in Black Ops 2 Zombies, if you're interested in Tranzit then head over to our other posts for those tutorials.

Before we start, everyone's had enough time to get used to zombies but you've all been getting stuck around level 20 right? Well, take a look at these tips and we'll help you push into the 30's and 40's.

Playing alone is obviously a lot easier because you can self-revive and zombies are always going to head in your direction. However, no one lilkes a loner so we're going to teach you how to work together and still reach the high levels.

Use the knife early

The knife is the best weapon for collecting maximum points. Make sure you deal the final blow using the knife to ensure 100+ points. On round 1, you can shoot zombies using the pistol up to 6 times before using the knife. Other automatic weapons such as sub machine guns are good too.

This 'primer' hit count increases as the levels progress. So by level 3 you can unload two entire clips from the pistol and then still kill off that zombie with your knife.

Tip: The problem with this technique are your teammates. Some idiot always tries to poach your zombie and ruins your final knife lunge which was going to give you max points. Easy way to avoid this is never play with n00bs.

Get a LMG

The ray gun is good but it's a one shot wonder and you're not going to rack up the points fast enough. The other problem with the ray gun is that is requires two shots to kill zombies at level 20+ which causes problems. Having a single crawler or two is ok, but when you're trying to get zombies lined up for several kills those crawlers get in your way and can lead to accidental downs.

The LMG (preferably the HAMR) is also a great weapon to pack-a-punch because of the massive amount of ammo you get afterwards.

Black Ops 2 Zombies - Pack-a-punch

Don't pack-a-punch too early

Using the pack-a-punch is a given but when to use it is more important than you think. Waiting till at least round 10 is the best way to ensure that firstly you use up your ammo and secondly that you gain maximum points by hitting zombies multiple times.

There's no point having a high powered gun when you're not under pressure otherwise it's a missed opportunity for more points.

Hunt for monkey bombs

Those monkeys are your number one friend for getting to the high levels, without them you're going to have no chance. As you probably know, those bombs attract zombies giving you the chance to run out of trouble and also revive your friends.

Line up the zombies

Starting around level 15, those zombies are going to come at you faster than you can take them out one by one. Therefore you're going to need to adopt another strategy - lining them up. Use your speed and know-how to lead zombies behind you as you run round the map, preferably in circles.

Use the pathways and corners to make zombies follow a line of sight - they're stupid enough to go for direct attack rather than sneak round objects.

Once you've got a decent group of 10 or so, head into a corner where you know zombies won't surprise you from behind, and then turn and unleash as much fire power as you can.

The elegance of this technique means you won't need to re-aim because all the zombies are coming straight at you.

When it's time to reload, head off in a perpendicular direction and repeat the process.

Forget the tombstone perk

Probably the worst perk in Black Ops2 zombies. The problem with the tombstone is that when you die and decide to lay your tombstone you're leaving the level and leaving your teammates to finish the job. That's ok if you're on the lower levels but once you get higher up, you need all players on the field to stand a chance.

Stick to the dead zone

If you're not sure what we mean by the dead zone, it's that little corner where there are no spawn points for zombies and no windows for them to come through. It's to the right of the pack-a-punch machine if you face it head on, head over to the mesh fence opposite the stairs.

Get in the corner and move in circles as zombies come towards you, line them all up like a little train. Then it's a straight forward trigger down machine gun of death as you take out several zombies in one go.

Get perks in this order

Black Ops 2 Zombies - Perks

It's not essential but we recommend you try and get perks in this order:

  • Juggernog - take more risks as you collect maximum points with the knife
  • Stamin Up - run for longer allows you to encircle zombies easily
  • Quick revive - get your teammates up again so you can carry on the fight
  • Speed Cola - ok you've surely got the LMG by now so faster reload is going to help

Tombstone and double tap can be avoided really.

Switch to semtex

Let's just admit it, regular grenades are useless. They bounce off in the wrong direction, you need to prime them to avoid a lengthy delay and they usually miss their target and fall in the lava. Switching to semtex ensures that those bombs are going to stick to zombies. This is especially effective when zombies are compacted into tight groups and you can take out a bunch of them in one ago.

Semtex can be found in the small round behind the pack-a-punch machine, in the corner. It's only $250 - a worthwhile investment right from the start.

Black Ops 2 Zombies - Mustang Sally

Upgrade to Mustang Sally

If you're clever enough to keep your pistol until the later rounds then you're going to give yourself the opportunity to pack-a-punch to the Mustang Sally dual wield weapon. This weapon fires explosive bullets that are just as good as grenades with pin point accuracy. Just avoid the splash damage (which is considerable) and take out groups of zombies with only a few bullets.

Avoid single fire guns

Ahhh single fire guns.. a players worst nightmare! Sniper guns are the worst of the bunch closely followed by shotguns. One shot means one chance at gaining kills and a limited number of points.

See one of these in the box - forget it.

Leave a crawler

Ever since that first WaW map, leaving a crawler is the most effective technique for gaining more time. Time which can be spent opening the box looking for a better weapon. It also gives other players the chance to pack-a-punch, collect more perks and rebuild any windows if needed.

Best way to leave a crawler is with a grenade. Just throw it close to the zombie but not directly at it.

That's probably enough tips to keep you going. Many if not all of these tips are going to be helpful when it comes to playing Die Rise, the new zombies map included in the DLC.

Black Ops 2 Zombies Glitches Ps3 Green Run Survival
